For you personally, a kids and family dental clinic is where you get Hollywood smile makeover, retainers for teeth after braces for the kid or obtain help for other problem with the teeth of you and your family. You are almost right but there is one quite an important part of dental care services. And, that is based on the age-old wisdom. You should rate the clinic that advices you how to prevent and delay dental problems as the best dental clinic in Dubai.
Medical terminology also supports this view. Dentistry focusses on studying, diagnosing, and treating diseases and disorders of the teeth and working to prevent the diseases/ disorders. The emphasis is clearly on prevention of conditions that result in you having to undergo root canal or extraction or crowns and bridges.
Our Dubai dental clinic’s role in preventive dentistry:
Let us start with setting expectations in proper perspective. Preventive dentistry does not actually eliminate dental disease forever. The effort is to protect your natural teeth for as long as possible and secondly to prepare you for enjoying the best outcome of dental services when you need them. It is like this. Suppose the child has a problem of grinding teeth when sleeping. Continuous grinding will wear out the teeth or the child may even bite her tongue. The preventive action is to custom fit a mouth guard to stop the grinding. But, suppose the grinding has already affected the teeth, it may be possible to fix crowns (tooth shaped caps) over the worn-out teeth and try to save the teeth.
Further, preventive dentistry is useful in identifying disease that is like to crop up in the near future. Teeth develop small cracks/ holes which allow bacteria to get inside and attack the root and gum and finally cause teeth decay. If detected early, it may be possible to stop further damage by dental filling. This is the reason why visiting your family dental clinic at least twice year is highly recommended. Just as your car gets regularly serviced, the teeth too deserve regular check-up.
What you must do: