Gum Disease

Gum diseases such as receding gums are known as periodontitis in medical terminology.Inflammation of the area around the teeth, foul smell in the mouth and pain are outward symptoms of gum disease. Gum infections are quite common and affect around 75% of the people at least once in their lifetime.

Effect of gum diseases:

  • Gum diseases range from comparatively simple gingivitis (inflammation of the gum) to more serious conditions where the alveolar bone supporting the teeth is affected, gradually deteriorates and finally it is lost. The teeth may fall out or you may need root canal treatment or teeth extraction. Other symptoms/ effects include:
  • Gums may bleed while brushing
  • Gums turn red and tender
  • Mild to severe swelling
  • Foul smell and or bad taste
  • Receding gums
  • As the disease advances, deep pockets or gaps may occur between teeth and gums.
  • Teeth may become lose, shift and may be lost
  • Badly affected gums spoil your looks and may even mar effect of the best Hollywood smile makeover.
  • You may find it difficult to eat, speak and sometimes to even sleep.

Action plan:

The good news about gum diseases is that they are generally preventable.

  • Learn to brush teeth the right way. Have a preventive dentistry session with your kids and family dental doctor and learn the right way to brush.
  • Do not allow food debris to accumulate between the teeth as it may lead to bacterial infection, develop into plaque and graduate to a gum disease.
  • Avoid drinking too much of sugary drinks, very cold,very hot food
  • During the preventive dentistry session, find out which food items agree with you and which are bad for your gums and teeth,
  • Avoid hot fomentation or rinsing with hot saltwater without consulting the dentist. If the pus has already formed, the pain and swelling may increase.
  • Gum diseases are not self-limiting which means that they don’t go away by themselves after sometime. Delay or neglect may cost in terms of both money and suffering and expensive treatments. Timely care is the best way to celebrity smile makeover. If you notice plaque, swelling, bleeding in the gums consult your dentist immediately.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this page and elsewhere on this website is purely and only for informational purposes. The information is of general nature and is not intended to be professional medical advice or as personal or health advice for any particular individual.

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